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2019 Taipei City Noise Control Project

Due to thee high population and building density, heavy traffic flow and the residential-commercial mixed-use design in Taipei City, the statistics released by “Public Nuisance Dispute Processing Procedures” reveal that there were 20,274 cases of noise petition received between January and October, 2019, accounting for 42.6% of all public nuisance cases and the category with the highest number of public nuisance cases. To maintain the peace in living environment, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government takes action in various noise control projects and this project assists with the processing of relevant matters, which are divided into four categories by the properties of work projects: (1) Draft noise control strategies and assist with the compilation and analysis of construction patrol data, and the compilation of EPA evaluation data through the analysis of noise petition case and the collection of noise pension control and technological data. (2) Provide consultation phone number for noise prevention technology, maintain noise control propaganda website, and process the promotional work for nose prevention propaganda. (3) Host noise control related meeting, audit aviation noise and review traffic noise improvement program. (4) In cooperation with the status of noise petition cases received this year, 34 nodes of road system traffic noise monitoring, 1 nodes of railway system traffic noise monitoring, 14 nodes of aviation noise monitoring, and 1 cases of noise improvement on-site counseling have been completed. With regards to noise prevention related meetings, six sessions have been hosted with 301 people participated. In the meeting, noise prevention improvement cases and experience were shared to advocate how to conduct the diagnosis, evaluation and design of noise source we well as the techniques in choosing soundproof materials. Through experience exchange and the promotion of noise prevention technology, the industries are expected to improve their noise prevention concept the regulatory management system in order to strengthen the self-management capacity of equipment (noise source) noise prevention technology. Consequently the noise issues in Taipei City can be improved to upgrade the quality of dwelling and living environment for the citizens.